

On organizational change and inclusion

The rate and impact of the change we’re living through is unprecedented, the loss is unquantifiable, and the way out is beyond messy. And yet, at a macro level, the fundamentals of organizations remain the same. ChangeFlow has many beginnings, it’s sort of the brand, but all of them happened on the eve of the […]

Welcome to our F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) About Us What is ChangeFlow’s mission? | What is unique about ChangeFlow? Methodologies and Theories What is Organization Development (OD)? | How does OD differ from other approaches to organizational change and improvement, such as change management, management consulting, TQM, or LEAN? | What is organizational culture? | […]

This is an edited transcript of an interview from March 2018 with Fazil Musa of The Levarage Group. Links to the full podcast and video can be found at the bottom. TLA – 031 – Handling Inclusion and Organisational Development of Small Businesses An Interview With Denise Morris Kipnis As an organization development expert specialising […]

Last year I became a Founding Member of KeyNote – Asia’s Women Speakers. KeyNote is a new initiative by the PrimeTime Business and Professional Women’s Association, and it has two primary objectives: to lift up women who are already speaking at a professional level and to incubate the next wave of powerful women speakers. For […]

My relationship to International Women’s Day (IWD) is bittersweet. I believe there are serious, overarching, and global issues that bind us all by gender; IWD is a declaration that we want a different future. But as an agent for change and inclusion, I take issue with the way people and organizations tend to approach IWD: […]

There’s a new concept sweeping the business landscape right now: belonging. It’s catching on like wildfire, a “new” phenomenon, the complement to inclusion. But those of us who work in inclusion know that belonging was never separate from inclusion. So why is belonging resonating? Because, as it turns out, very few people actually know what […]

A colleague of mine came to me with a crisis: in the 11th hour, her board had suddenly balked at approving the 2017 work plan. (You’ll notice we’re well into 2017) From her perspective, their onboarding had been thorough, communications had been clean, evaluation findings had been shared repeatedly, the board members were super savvy […]

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